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Riapow Solar Power Bank

Unlimited Power

Quality - 4/5 stars

Let me be clear, my rating of 4/5 is not because I think the quality really is poor. To be honest, I haven't gotten much time to use it yet to really know. My rating comes from the brand being pretty obscure but, to be fair, a lot of them are. Time will tell whether this power bank is of a good quality or not but for now, I rely on my suspicions.

Usefulness - 5/5 stars

It can charge itself on solar panels or wall chargers, it can charge multiple devices, has a flashlight built in, and a wireless charger for your phone! If you cannot find use in this, you have some serious problems (kidding!)

Cost - 5/5 stars

Solar and battery packs in general have really started to come down in price so being able to afford one nowadays is basically a given. When paired with its usefulness, how can you not get one for yourself?

Overall - 5/5 stars

Although I am unsure about the quality, I give it the highest marks because it is very useful and can be purchased at a decent price. Overall, I am satisfied!

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