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Yeti Tundra 75 Cooler

The Abominable Snowman

Quality - 5/5 stars

You've probably heard of the brand, Yeti, and you have probably also heard how well they keep things cold. That's definitely quality if you ask me! Yeti has many of their products tested with real bears and yes, this cooler, with the proper corner lock, is bear-proof. Quality? Yeah, that's quality. Highest marks for quality all around.

Usefulness - 5/5 stars

It doesn't just keep cold things cold. It keeps cold things cold for a long time! Much longer than your standard cooler by far. That means fewer trips to get ice and fewer dollars spent on ice when you would rather have ice cream. It's important to think about these choices when making a decision on your next cooler for sure!

Cost - 3/5 stars

If you've heard about Yeti, you have probably already scoped out the price and, yikes, they are definitely expensive. Fortunately, I was gifted this cooler so that cost was not mine to bear otherwise I probably wouldn't have a Yeti at all right now. You can be the judge whether the ice savings and superior food spoilage prevention are justification for such a costly cooler. I mean, if you are going out all the time and would use it all the time, definitely worth it! If you go out sparingly or don't always need a cooler, you might be better off putting that money somewhere else.

Overall - 5/5 stars

When you come back from a weekend trip, having thrown just one bag of ice in the cooler before leaving, and you still have ice to spare? That's pretty impressive! Of course, you can't leave the lid open forever or you will increase the melting rate of your ice but regular use of the cooler yields decent results for sure!

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